CAREER: Cyber Physical Solution for High Penetration Renewables in Smart Grid
National Science Foundation Award Number- 1553494
Start Date: May 01, 2016.
End Date (Tentative): April 30, 2021
Effective integration of large amounts of renewable energy into the grid is of utmost importance for sustainable future and greener smart cities. Due to the unpredictable variations in weather, over 80% of the available renewable energy from solar and wind sources cannot be harnessed effectively. Large scale and cost-effective integration of photovoltaic energy into the smart grid is challenging due to: (a) unpredictability and intermittency of weather pattern, (b) fast morning ramp up and afternoon ramp down of solar generation that triggers instabilities in the grid, (c) unavailability of solar generation at sun down requiring the need for locational energy storage facilities, and (d) lack of technologies for efficient and intelligent on-demand sharing of solar generation with conventional power generation in the grid. Current technologies of solar integration are based on unreliable weather prediction and ineffective load sharing that make the overall grid performance unreliable and inefficient, thus necessitating the need for a broader outlook of the whole picture.
This research brings a holistic vision of the future smart grid as a synergistic integration of its various components with novel computational tools for forecasting and intelligent load sharing with distributed energy storage. The study collects real-time Photovoltaic (PV) data from the plant, conducts high-end modeling, analysis and visualization on various datasets to understand, predict and mitigate the system instabilities and fluctuations triggered by PV intermittencies. This solution can be used in the planning process at the command and control centers for electric utilities.
The developed approach, which is an adaptive, resilient, efficient and effective integration of renewables, will be applicable broadly in the energy sector thereby reducing carbon footprint and making the system stable under expected high penetration of renewable sources and unanticipated intermittencies. This solution fills the gap that will help our nation steer closer to the ultimate goal of a sustainable future involving a smart clean power grid. This project will pursue several outreach activities to engage with students from underrepresented groups.
- Sarwat, Arif, Aditya Sundararajan, and Temitayo O. Olowu. “Systems and methods for power management.” U.S. Patent No. 10,958,211. 23 Mar. 2021.
- Distributed renewable energy grid controller- US Patent No. 10326280. A holistic distributed renewable energy grid controller that comprises predictive and prescriptive computation models to address and mitigate pressing concerns in high-penetration scenarios of RESs. June 18,2019.
- Distributed renewable energy grid controller. Patent No. 10326280. UNITED STATES.
Best Paper Award
- “A Distributed Intelligent Framework for Electricity Theft Detection Using Benford’s Law and Stackelberg Game“, L. Wei, A. Sundararajan, A.I. Sarwat, S. Biswas and E. Ibrahim, Resilience Week, Wilmington, DE, September 2017 ( Best Symposium Paper awarded to Dr Arif Sarwat at International Symposium on resilient Cyber Systems) (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- Anjan Debnath, Temitayo O. Olowu, Imtiaz Parvez, Arif Sarwat. Step-size Optimization of New Straight Line approximation-based MPPT Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems. : Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG 2021).
- Shamini Dharmasena , Temitayo O. Olowu, Arif I. Sarwat A low-complexity FS-MPDPC with extended voltage set for grid-connected converters. IET Energy Systems Integration.
- Olowu, Temitayo O., Hassan Jafari, Masood Moghaddami, and Arif I. Sarwat. “Multiphysics and Multiobjective Design Optimization of High-Frequency Transformers for Solid-State Transformer Applications.” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 57, no. 1 (2020): 1014-1023.
- A. Anzalchi and A. Sundararajan and A. Moghadasi and A. Sarwat (2019). High-Penetration Grid-Tied Photovoltaics: Analysis of Power Quality and Feeder Voltage Profile. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. 25 (5), 83-94.
- A. Sundararajan and A. I. Sarwat (2019). Hybrid data-model method to improve generation estimation and performance assessment of grid-tied PV: a case study. IET Renewable Power Generation. 13 (13), 2480-2490.
- Olowu, Temitayo Olayemi and Jafari, Mohamadsaleh and Sarwat, Arif (2019). {A Multi-Objective Voltage Optimization Technique in Distribution Feeders with High Photovoltaic Penetration}. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal. 4 (6), 377–385. DOI: 10.25046/aj040648
- Sundararajan, Aditya and Hernandez, Alexander and Sarwat, Arif (2020). Adapting Big Data Standards, Maturity Models to Smart Grid Distributed Generation: Critical Review. IET Smart Grid. DOI: 10.1049/iet-stg.2019.0298
- A. Sundararajan, L. Wei, T. Khan, A. I. Sarwat and D. Rodrigo (2018). A Tri-Modular Framework to Minimize Smart Grid Cyber-Attack Cognitive Gap in Utility Control Centers. Resilience Week (RWS).
- Aditya Sundararajan, Aniket Chavan, Danish Saleem, Arif I. Sarwat (2018). A Survey of Protocol- Level Challenges and Solutions for Distributed Energy Resource Cyber-Physical Security. Energies.
Aditya Sundararajan, Tanwir Khan, Amir Moghadasi, Arif I. Sarwat (2018). Survey on synchrophasor data quality and cybersecurity challenges, and evaluation of their interdependencies. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
Imtiaz Parvez, Ali Rahmati, Ismail Guvenc, Arif I. Sarwat, and Huaiyu Dai (2018). A survey on low latency towards 5G: RAN, core network and caching solutions. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
- Imtiaz Parvez, Arif Sarwat (2019). A Spectrum Sharing based Metering Infrastructure for Smart Grid Utilizing LTE and WiFi. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal.
Imtiaz Parvez, Maryamossadat AGHILI, Arif I. SARWAT, Shahinur RAHMAN, and Alam Fahmida (2018). Online power quality disturbance detection by support vector machine in smart meter. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
- “Overview of technical specifications for grid-connected photovoltaic systems”,A. Anzalchi, A.I. Sarwat,”Energy Conversion and Management”, Vol. 152, 2017, pp. 312-327, ISSN 0196-8904, (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Optimal design of hybrid wind/photovoltaic electrolyzer for maximum hydrogen production using imperialist competitive algorithm”,A. Khalilnejad, A. Sundararajan, A.I. Sarwat, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE), pp. 1-10, June 2017 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Model Predictive Power Control Approach for Three-Phase Single-Stage Grid-Tied PV Module-Integrated Converter”,A. Moghadasi, A. Sargolzaei, A. Anzalchi, A. Sarwat, Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A New Topology of Higher Order Power Filter for Single-Phase Grid-tied Voltage Source Inverters“, A. Anzalchi, A. Moghadasi, M. Moghaddami and A.I. Sarwat, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 7511-7522, Dec. 2016 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “ Self-Tuning Variable Frequency Controller for Inductive Electric Vehicle Charging With Multiple Power Levels“, M. Moghaddami and A.I. Sarwat, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electricification, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 488-495, December 2016 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A Tri-Modular Framework to Minimize Smart Grid Cyber-Attack Cognitive Gap in Utility Control Centers“, A. Sundararajan, L. Wei, T. Khan, A. I. Sarwat and D. Rodrigo, 2018 Resilience Week (RWS), (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A Survey of Protocol- Level Challenges and Solutions for Distributed Energy Resource Cyber-Physical Security “, Aditya Sundararajan, Aniket Chavan, Danish Saleem, Arif I. Sarwat, Energies 2018,11,2360;doi:10.3390/en11092360, (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Survey on synchrophasor data quality and cybersecurity challenges, and evaluation of their interdependencies”, Aditya Sundararajan, Tanwir Khan, Amir Moghadasi, Arif I. Sarwat, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp 449–467, May 2019, (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A survey on low latency towards 5G: RAN, core network and caching solutions“, Imtiaz Parvez, Ali Rahmati, Ismail Guvenc, Arif I. Sarwat, and Huaiyu Dai, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol. 20, No. 4, 4th Quarter 2018. (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A Spectrum Sharing based Metering Infrastructure for Smart Grid Utilizing LTE and WiFi.” Imtiaz Parvez, Arif Sarwat, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Page 70-77, 2019 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Online power quality disturbance detection by support vector machine in smart meter.“, I Parvez, M AGHILI, Arif I. SARWAT, Shahinur R, and A Fahmi ,Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Vol 7, Issue 5, pp 1328-1339, September 2019 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Optimal Smart Inverters Volt-VAR Curve Selection with a Multi-Objective Volt-VAR Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithm Approach“, M. Jafari, T. O. Olowu and A. I. Sarwat, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), (NSF Award No. 1553494 and 1745829)
- “A Multi-Objective Optimization Technique for Volt-Var Control with High PV Penetration using Genetic Algorithm“, T. O. Olowu, M. Jafari and A. I. Sarwat, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), (NSF Award No. 1553494, 1541108 and 1745829)
- “Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration: A Survey”, Temitayo O Olowu, Aditya Sundararajan, Masood Moghaddami, Arif I Sarwat, Energies, 11(7): 1782, July 2018, (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- Anjan Debnath, Temitayo O. Olowu, Imtiaz Parvez, Arif Sarwat. A Binary Search Algorithm based Optimal Sizing of Photovoltaic and Energy Storage System .2021 IEEEGreenTech.
- Shamini Dharmasena and Arif I. Sarwat . Fuzzy Decision Making Assisted Model Predictive Direct Power Controller for a Grid-Interlinking Converter of a Battery Energy Storage System. 2020 IEEE NAPS.
- A. Debnath et al., “Voltage Regulation of Photovoltaic System with varying Loads,” 2020 SoutheastCon, 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/SoutheastCon44009.2020.9368266.
- A. Khalid, S. Tufail and A. I. Sarwat, “A Review on Quantum Computing Approach for Next-Generation Energy Storage Solution,” SoutheastCon 2021, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/SoutheastCon45413.2021.9401854.
- O. Olowu, M. Moghaddami, and A. I. Sarwat, “Soft-switched, Self-tuned and Optimization Technique for Solid State Transformers Based on Direct AC-AC Matrix Converter Topology,” in 2020 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting. IEEE, 2020, pp. 1–6.
- Olowu, H. Riggs, A Sarwat (2020). Photovoltaic Systems Aggregation using Wavelet Analysis: A Case Study. IEEE SoutheastCon 2020.
- Temitayo. Olowu, S. Dharmasena, H. Jafari and A. Sarwat, ” Investigation of False Data Injection Attacks on Smart Inverter Settings” 2020 IEEE CyberPELS (CyberPELS), Miami, FL, USA, 2020, pp. 1-6.
- Olowu, Temitayo O., Hugo Riggs, and Arif I. Sarwat. “Photovoltaic Systems Aggregation using Wavelet Analysis: A Case Study.” 2020 SoutheastCon. Vol. 2. IEEE, 2020
- A. Khalid and A. Sundararajan and A. I. Sarwat (2019). A Multi-Step Predictive Model to Estimate Li-Ion State of Charge for Higher C-Rates. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I CPS Europe).
- A. Khalid, A. Sundararajan, A. Sarwat (2019). A statistical out-of-sample forecast to estimate lithium-ion parameters that determine state of charge. Electrochemical Conference on Energy and the Environment (ECEE 2019): Bioelectrochemistry and Energy Storage.
- S. Dharmasena and T. O. Olowu and A. I. Sarwat (2019). Bidirectional AC/DC Converter Topologies: A Review. 2019 SoutheastCon.
- A. Sundararajan and H. Riggs and A. Jeewani and A. I. Sarwat (2019). Cluster-based Module to Manage Smart Grid Data for an Enhanced Situation Awareness: A Case Study. 2019 Resilience Week (RWS).
- Sundararajan, Aditya and Sarwat, Arif I. (2020). Evaluation of Missing Data Imputation Methods for an Enhanced Distributed PV Generation Prediction. Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2019. Cham
- Khalid, A. Sundararajan, A. Hernandez and A. I. Sarwat (2019). FACTS Approach to Address Cybersecurity Issues in Electric Vehicle Battery Systems. 2019 IEEE Technology Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON).
- O. Olowu and A. Sundararajan and M. Moghaddami and A. I. Sarwat (2019). Fleet Aggregation of Photovoltaic Systems: A Survey and Case Study. 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT).
- O. Olowu and H. Jafari and S. Dharmasena and A. I. Sarwat (2019). Photovoltaic Fleet Aggregation and High Penetration: A Feeder Test Case. 2019 SoutheastCon.
- A. Khalid and A. Sundararajan and I. Acharya and A. I. Sarwat (2019). Prediction of Li-Ion Battery State of Charge Using Multilayer Perceptron and Long Short-Term Memory Models. 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC).
- Jafari and T. O. Olowu and A. I. Sarwat and M. A. Rahman (2019). Study of Smart Grid Protection Challenges with High Photovoltaic Penetration. 2019 North American Power Symposium (NAPS).
- Jafari, T. O. Olowu and A. I. Sarwat (2018). Optimal Smart Inverters Volt-VAR Curve Selection with a Multi-Objective Volt-VAR Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithm Approach. North American Power Symposium (NAPS).
- O. Olowu, M. Jafari and A. I. Sarwat (2018). A Multi-Objective Optimization Technique for Volt-Var Control with High PV Penetration using Genetic Algorithm. North American Power Symposium (NAPS).
- Temitayo O Olowu, Aditya Sundararajan, Masood Moghaddami, Arif I Sarwat (2018). Future Challenges and Mitigation Methods for High Photovoltaic Penetration: A Survey. Energies.
- Longfei Wei, Aditya Sundararajan, Arif I. Sarwat, Saroj Biswas, Erfan Ibrahim (2017). A Distributed Intelligent Framework for Electricity Theft Detection Using Benford’s Law and Stackelberg Game. Resilience Week.
- “Roadmap to Prepare Distribution Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Site Data for Performance Monitoring”, A. Sundararajan and A.I. Sarwat, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, IoT \& Data Analytics (BID), Pune, India 2017 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A Gossip Algorithm based Clock Synchronization Scheme for Smart Grid Applications“, I. Parvez, J. Pinto and A.I. Sarwat, IEEE NAPS 2017 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A review on cyber security issues and mitigation methods in smart grid systems“, M. Pour, A. Anzalchi and A. Sarwat, SoutheastCon 2017, Charlotte, NC, 2017, pp. 1-4 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A review on cyber security issues and mitigation methods in smart grid systems“, M.M. Pour, A. Anzalchi and A.I. Sarwat, IEEE NAPS 2017 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Review of Cyber-Physical Attacks and Counter Defense Mechanisms for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid”, L. Wei, L.P. Rondon, A. Moghadasi, A.I. Sarwat, IEEE PES T&D 2018, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2018 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Multi-armed bandit for LTE-U and WiFi coexistence in unlicensed bands“, M. G. S. Sriyananda, I. Parvez, I. Güvene, M. Bennis and A. I. Sarwat, 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Doha, 2016, pp. 1-6 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “A self-tuning variable frequency control for multi-level contactless Electric Vehicle charger“, M. Moghaddami, A. Sundararajan and A. I. Sarwat, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Trivandrum, India, 2016, pp. 1-5 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Power Quality and Voltage Profile Analyses of High Penetration Grid-Tied Photovoltaics: A Case Study“, Arash Anzalchi, Aditya Sundararajan, Amirhasan Moghadasi, Arif I. Sarwat, IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2017-PSEC-0794 (NSF Award No. 1553494)
Book Chapters
- Temitayo Olowu, Dharmasena, A. Hernandez, A. Sarwat, 2020. “Impact Analysis of Cyber-Attacks on Smart Grid: A Review and Case Study” New Research Directions in Solar Energy Technologies (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability) Springer, Singapore DOI:10.1007/978-981-16-0594-9.
- Khalid, Asadullah and Hernandez, Alexander and Sundararajan, Aditya and Sarwat, Arif I. (2019). Simulation-Based Analysis of Equalization Algorithms on Active Balancing Battery Topologies for Electric Vehicles. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer.
- Arif I. Sarwat, Aditya Sundararajan, Imtiaz Parvez (2018). Trends and Future Directions of Research for Smart Grid IoT Sensor Networks. Proceedings of International Symposium on Sensor Networks, Systems and Security – Advances in Computing and Networking with Applications Springer.
Arif I. Sarwat, Arash Anzalchi, Aditya Sundararajan, Longfei Wei, Amir Moghadasi (2018). Future Directions to the Application of Distributed Fog Computing in Smart Grid Systems. Future Directions to the Application of Distributed Fog Computing in Smart Grid Systems
- “Trends and Future Directions of Research for Smart Grid IoT Sensor Networks”, A.I. Sarwat, A. Sundararajan and I. Parvez, International Symposium on Sensor Networks, Systems and Security (ISSNSS), Lakeland, FL, September 2017(NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Future Direction of Application of Cloud Computing in Smart Grid Systems.” A.I.Sarwat, A. Anzalchi, A. Moghadasi, L. Wei, A. Sundararajan, Smart Grid Analytics for Sustainability and Urbanization, 2017(NSF Award No. 1553494)
- “Future Directions to the Application of Distributed For Computing in Smart Grid Systems”, A.I.Sarwat, A.Anzalchi, A. Sundararajan, L.Wei, A.Moghadasi, Cloud Security Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, 2019.(NSF Award No. 1553494)
- PANDORAS- Proactive ANalytics & Data-Oriented Research on Availability & Security- A dedicated data analysis center with multifaceted data that gets processed at all levels- descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive, and cognitive- offering actionable insights in different real-time grid scenarios helping utilities with planning and decision making.
- Onsite Grid connected Renewable Power Plant: A multi-level validation approach for proposed solutions with onsite PV plant and HESS providing virtual-inertia and enhancing grid stability.
- Long term partnership: Partnered with the biggest renewable installer in the world (FPL). Many students from EPS perform internships at FPL with FIU becoming their largest hiring source.
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The aim of EPS is to build an independent scalable system. We have data from 6 million customers across the state of Florida. Our state of the art laboratory PANDORAS is one of the best data centers equipped with some of the best machines and software in the country to simulate, train and test required parameters for the project.