On 8th March 2018, The IEEE Miami Section (region 3) was hosting Mr. John Mcdonald as a distinguished lecturer at FIU Engineering Center. The Lecture was on “Grid Modernization – Technological Advancement Beyond Smart Grid”.
Mr. John Mcdonald, P.E, is Smart Grid Business Development Leader for GE Power’s Grid Solutions business having 43 years of industry experience in the electric utility industry.
The Primary objective of the talk was to make the participants familiar with the technical development of the Smart grid. Some of the major takeaways of the lecture were the discussions of key industry/societal trends, Smart grid concepts, comprehensive solutions, the micro-grid integration and distributed generation, Smart Grid Standards and Inter-portability..
The lecture also highlighted about the software applications like the ADMS Software application, big data analytics, enterprise data management.
Below are some of the photos that were taken during the course of the lecture.