The wordle below provides a brief overview of the different research activities pursued by EPS. We are looking for volunteers from all departments to help us with many projects listed below.
Funded Research Projects :
- Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Distributed Energy Resources
- Cyber Physical Solution for High Penetration Renewables in Smart Grid(NSF 2016-2021, CAREER)
- Simulated and Synthetic Data for Interdependent Communication and Energy Critical Infrastructures(NSF 2017-2019)
- Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes and Processes(NSF 2016-2019, CRISP)
- Advanced research on Integrating Emerging and Existing Systems(ARIES)
- CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Towards SECURE Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: A Theoretic Framework with Bounded Rationality
- DOE SEEDS: Tri-Modular Framework for Intelligent Visualization of Smart Grid Cyber-Attacks
- Inductive Power Transfer Systems for Electric Vehicles
Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles - Electric Power Reliability and Analytics Center for High Penetration Distributed Renewable Resource Modern Grid System(FPL 2014-2020,EPRAC)
- FEWS : Food Energy Water System
- Personalized Learning Environment
Completed Projects :
- Collaborative Research: RIPS Type 2: Vulnerability Assessment and Resilient Design of Interdependent Infrastructures
- Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL)
- High Penetration Study
- Peak Load Shaving Technology with Renewable Resources
- Advanced Commercial Energy (ACE) Technology
- Demand Side Management Pilot: On-line efficiency control in facilities using Smart Grids
- WAR – Weather and Reliability
- Smart Grid with Strategic Load Pocket (SLP)
- Plug-in-Hybrid & Hybrid vehicle to grid
- DSM – Demand Side Management
- Renewable and Alternative Energy Program