On February 12, 2019 Florida Power and Light (FPL) unveiled its most recent solar farm in southwest Miami-Dade County. The solar farm is composed of # solar panels which collectively produce 74.5 MW of power to supply the grid. This is one small drop in FPL’s 30-by-30 plan install 30 million solar panels throughout the state by 2030. EPS researchers and the students of Dr. Sarwat’s Power 2 class where in
attendance at the unveiling. This was a great opportunity for the students and researchers to get an onsite experience on a solar farm and speak with FPL’s employees to learn about how the technical aspects of the solar farm, what to focus on in their journey through FIU, and an opportunity to take advantage of internships or full-time positions at FPL once they graduate. Dr. Sarwat’s researchers learned and made contributions to the solar farm in its development stages and themselves know at the unveiling by providing information about research opportunities available at the Energy, Power, and Sustainability Lab at FIU.